Register on the Q-Park App and unlock a world of exclusive deals and promotions. Get huge discounts for leading brands and exclusive offers from out partners. Simply download to get started.
Alongside these amazing deals, you'll be experiencing seamless parking with the Q-Park App. Pay as you go or pre-book your stay with Q-Park Go.
To get access to exclusive deals through Q-Park Perks, simply register on the Q-Park app. When you sign up for the app you'll receive an email with information on how to access your discounts and deals. You'll receive an exclusive link with all your offers ready to use.
All your parking perks, all in one place.
It's that easy!
Download the Q-Park app from your App store to unlock exclusive perks!
Sign up today and you'll receive the email with your Perks link in due course. Due to the volume of users, it may take up to 48 hours. Thank you for your patience.
Register on the Q-Park app and a link for this amazing deal will be emailed directly to you. Unlock 2 for 1 meals or 25% off the total bill at 1000s of restaurants, coffee shops and entertainment brands such as Prezzo, Milano, Frankie & Benny's, Auntie Anne's, and many more.
See the full list of deals on the tastecard website. Memberships will renew at £29.99* a year after the initial 90 day trial. Terms and conditions apply
*All orders are processed from £ to € at the most current available exchange rate
Are you a business interested in partnering with Q-Park? Learn more.
Please note, each perks partner will have their own Terms & Conditions. Information will be readily available on partner websites.